Hi there – thanks for stopping by.
My name is Craig, and I write and publish various books (20 so far). My first two were children’s books, and the following two were about gratitude. The next book was More than Trivia: Interesting Stories and Fascinating Facts.
Those five books were published using my registered publishing company, Doozybird Publishing, which I dissolved at the end of December 2023. Since then, I have published all my books under my name only. Books published under Doozybird are no longer available at Amazon. One has been re-published under my name and another is in the process of being re-published.
I recently published fifteen new books with my new arrangement, which are available on Amazon. One is a Clean Joke Book, ten are Sudoku puzzle books of varying difficulty levels, three are coloring books for adults, and there is one Word Search book. You can see them all at the links at the top of this page.
I enjoy writing and publishing books, and I strive to create interesting and high-quality books.
One of my favorite types of books to create is stories for children; I hope to do more in the future. It’s thrilling for me, a former red-haired, freckled-faced little boy, to grow up and write children’s books and have them available worldwide for other children to hear and read. I have been very blessed by the feedback on the children’s books I have written.
There are several books on the proverbial ‘back burner,’ so stay tuned – it’s getting better all the time.

As you can see on the left, I really was a red-haired, freckled face little boy. I’m older now (see photo on right). The red hair is mostly gray but some of the freckles remain. And I am still young at heart.
Remember, it’s the first 60 years of childhood that are the toughest.